Golang Test Cases As a Service

Enhance Your Golang Codebase with Complete Test Coverage

Scalent’s Test Cases as a Service (TCaaS) helps you to maximize the test coverage of your Golang codebase, boosting the robustness, reliability and confidence in your applications.

Risks of NOT having Test Cases

Unknown Bugs

Without writing test cases, unknown bugs can emerge, leading to unpredictable and potentially critical issues in the application.

Reduced Code Quality

Neglecting to write test cases can reduce code quality by allowing undetected errors to persist, compromising reliability and maintainability.

Difficult Refactoring

Without unit tests, refactoring code can be risky, as there’s no assurance that changes don’t break existing functionality.

Higher Maintenance Costs

Over time, maintaining code without tests becomes more difficult and expensive, as changes might introduce new bugs.

Debugging Challenges

Debugging untested code can be time-consuming and frustrating, particularly as projects grow, while tests help pinpoint issues more precisely.

CI/CD Ineffectiveness

Without test cases, automated CI/CD pipelines may fail to catch issues early, reducing their effectiveness.

Reasons for Avoiding Test Cases

Time Constraints

Tight deadlines might lead teams to prioritize feature development over writing test cases.

Less Priority

Low-risk features and minor changes might be given less priority for test coverage.

Lack of Expertise

Teams might lack the necessary skills to write test cases.

Advantages of writing Test Cases

  • Early Bug Detection - Identify and fix the bugs/issues early in the development process.
  • Enhanced Code Quality - Ensure code meets specified requirements and functions correctly.
  • Safe Refactoring - Allows safe code refactoring by ensuring that existing functionality is preserved.
  • Improved Reliability - Increases confidence in the stability and correctness of the code.
  • Less Maintenance Costs - Lowers the cost of bug fixes by catching issues earlier rather than later.
  • Effective CI/CD - It helps to deliver consistent quality with reduced risk, and continuous improvement.

How our Test Cases as a Service can help you?

Our Test Cases as a Service can significantly benefit your development process by allowing your core developers to focus on crucial tasks, whereas we take full responsibility of writing test cases.

Our specialized experts are dedicated to producing high-quality test cases, ensuring that your testing needs are met with professional expertise.

Additionally, we offer flexible, on-demand Golang developer involvement based on your project requirements, providing ad-hoc engagement to suit your needs.

Our seamless integration ensures that our test case writing services do not disrupt your existing development process or team dynamics.

By partnering with us, you can enhance your testing capabilities without compromising on efficiency or cohesion within your development efforts.

  • Ad-Hoc Engagement
  • Professional Expertise
  • Cost-Effective
  • Seamless Integration
  • Your Team can focus on Core Tasks